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      | Welcome       || 
|| _ ___ _o | | Announcements || || | | |...| |.| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || Due to the layout of the Nightfallian website, the webclient runs in its own || | | |.o.| |.| | | Web Client || window. You can start it here: || '-' '---' '-' | | Clients || || \| | Quickstart || Enter || | | Wait, What? || || | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || Please note that while this client will allow you to have a first look at || | | Races || Nightfall, we strongly recommend using a native client in the long term. To || | | Guilds || learn more about these, you can have a look at our Clients page. || |/ | Map || || | | Lore || We would like to thank Joel Martin ("kanaka")ęś› for his work on websockify, which || | o | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || made this webclient possible. || |/ | Who's online? || || o s| | Finger || || o / /x| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || || \/ __o/xs| | The Guide || || \/ \xx| | Player Help || || \ \s| | The Sky || || \ /x| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || || nmsxxsx| | Imprint || || xsxxxmxs| . | || || sxmxxxxmx| -_|= +---------------++----------------------------------------------------------------------------------++----nmsmmsmmmxmS ./_|=|_-_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{o}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~